Open Positions

Project Associate
If you are interested in working on challenging projects in cell biology, protein biochemistry, molecular biology, to understand the implications of tubulin modifications on regulation of mammalian cilia structure and function, then write to us at Your application should have a motivation letter and a CV with the names and email IDs of at least 2 referees.
We look for enthusiastic M.Sc/M.Tech graduates with background in cell biology, molecular biology and/or protein biochemistry. Any experience in animal cell culture and/or bioinformatics is a plus.
Postdoctoral fellow
We are hiring a highly motivated postdoc with a strong background in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and/or Biochemistry to work on exciting aspects of Primary cilia in mammalian tissue homeostasis. Experience in Mouse biology, transgenics, Stem cells or Bioinformatics is a plus. Candidates must have a good scientific record with at least 1 first author paper published from their PhD work in an international peer-reviewed journal of repute.
The candidate is expected to design and manage the work independently, have good organisational skills, work in an interdisciplinary team, and handle multiple tasks. They will also be responsible for data documentation, validation and compilation, for preparation of manuscripts.
Interested candidates should send their motivation letter and their CV with names and contact of 2-3 referees by mail to