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News & Lab Updates

Start of our lab

April 2022, Start of our lab with arrival of consumables

Lab is growing

June 2022, And the lab begins to grow! Welcome to the new members- Prajwal, Manish and Shiva

June 2022, We now have one more addition. Welcome Rubina

B'day celebrations

July 2022, Thanks for this wonderful cake!

Lab party

July 2022, We got our first grant! Thanks DBT-Wellcome India Alliance for the Intermediate Fellowship

B'day celebrations

July 2022, Thanks for this wonderful cake!

New lab photo

October 2022, our growth continues! Welcome Sanjana and Sucheta, the first PhD students of the lab :-) :-)

Celebrating 1 year anniversary - 4th April, 2023

April 2023, And in the blink of an eye, we are already 1 year old!! Has been a roller-coaster journey, but one full of fun and with new challenges!!

Celebrating the lab's 2 year anniversary at home

April 2024, Our journey is a year older, and things have evolved with new personnel joining, some people moving on to new ventures, but the excitement continues!!

Congratulations and good luck, Prajwal

April 2024, After spending 2 years in the lab, Prajwal will be moving to Saarland to start his PhD. We celebrated and wished him all the best with a party including even Minhaj Sirajuddin lab members

The latest lab photo

April 2024, The lab as grown since the last year and there are quite a few new people doing their Masters' thesis projects in our lab. It has been all the more vibrant the last few months!!!!

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